
By Solving Fermat's Last Theorem, I don't want to bring The Magic in Math, BUT INSTEAD - THE RESULTS AND CONSENCINCES FROM, because I know any like that can to closing any roads for maybe a too long time, but around of Ion Murgu - God Equations Of Balance, Ion Murgu Integers Powers Fundamental Equations also Sending Fermat's Last Theorem in FUNDAMENTAL and Including Pytghagorean Triple as Blessed Exceptions which Confirm The Rule, VIA Math Method Fermat- Murgu Impossible Equations Brought The Problem - For What Magic Two - and for what only any of it(which isn't TRUE- all Integers, excluding 1, are participating in a Pythagorean Triples [WHICH MEAN ARE INFINITY], but not all can be Z. Pythagorean Primes are Infinity too.).

Maybe The Simple Explanation for Pythagorean Triples is the fact Power 2 for Integers T can be also writen in a linear mode.

  ∑ [ (2I+1)
then for any X, Y, Z are possible :
   X   Y   Z
    ∑ [ (2I+1) +   ∑ (2I+1)   =   ∑ (2I+1)
  I=0 I=0 I=0

Equivalent with:

  Z   Y   
  ∑ [ (2I+1) +   ∑ (2I+1)   = 0
  I=Z-X I=0

Related to Fermat's Last Theorem and Pythagorean Triple, this form speak a lot now.
There are Integers(X, Y, Z) for which Fermat's Last Theorem have validity, and a lot for which it not (Pythagorean Triple). Those are EXCEPTIONS from Fermat's Last Theorem which Confirm The RULE by explain in a sense it.It and a lot of mores motivations are including Pythagorean Triple into Fermat's Last Theorem as EXCEPTIONS.

   An another motivationfor Magic Two Exception is Pythagorean Media or Geometric Media not as a Arithmetic Media.
Fo five Integers {A, B, Y, X, Z} there are Infinty of Conjectures

(A+B)2 = X2 + Y2
and then
Z2= 2AB
and I hope it will be accepted as Geometric Media.

and then for n>2 a new Media, Which connect n Consecutives Integers at power n, with n!
  ∑ [ (-1)m(k < sub > I < sup > n )(T+I)n]= n!
< p >< b > But, Math Beauty of Magic Two can be considered as coming from Euler - Murgu Equation 1=1.
Treating it Into Irrational Field Image in UNITY related to Pythagorean triples as Exceptions of Fermat's Last Theorem you will have a image how big Infinity is mirrored Into Interval[0, 1 / 2].

A + (1-A) =1
where A is a part of interval[0, 1 / 2], A will cover all Infinity.
That mean, every Integer have an image there, and Pythagorean Triples are Infinity, but also are
Pythagorean Primes, as Prime Related to Pythagorean Formula:
X2 + Y2 = Z2
as Integers Z which can't to be write as sum of anothers 2 Integers Pythagorean Related.

< center >< b > For Power 2, POWER have symmetry for MULTIPLY.

But, The "Power" of Magic 2 as Pythagorean Triples Exceptions of Fermat's Last Theorem is coming from:

(√ 2)*(√ 2) = 2
(1/√ 2)*(√ 2) =1
(1/√ 2)*(1/√ 2) = 1/2

Those are Properties for wich any 3 Integers Fermat's Last Theorem Exceptions, pass with validity Fermat Murgu n Media for 3 Integers, Fermat - Murgu Impossible Equations, and to reflect absolute all Integers into mirrored interval[0, 1 / 2]. (Including Pythagorean Primes, which can't to be Z, but for sue any X's or Y's.)

But The purest Mathematics explanation is simple- RELATIVE TO POWER, 2 PRESENT SYMMETRY WITH MULTIPLICATION.

It isn't a explanation of Fermat's Last Theorem, instead, is a logic explanation for what power 2 admit exceptions from.

© 2015 - for: Ion Murgu Integers Powers Fundamental Equations, Fermat's Last Theorem Fundamental,Fermat-Murgu Impossibe Equations, Fermat-Murgu Quadruplets, Euler - Murgu Equations 1=1 .
© 2015 - for: Ion Murgu Integers Powers Fundamental Equations, Fermat's Last Theorem Fundamental,Fermat-Murgu Impossibe Equations, Fermat-Murgu Quadruplets, Euler - Murgu Equations 1=1 .